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first aid and surival kits

7 Excellent Bug-Out Bag Essentials To Thrive When SHTF

These 7 Bug-Out Essentials Will Carry the Heavy Lifting When SHTF

first aid and surival kits
Photo by Roger Brown on

The World Is Seriously Out Of Control

The potential of WW3, alien disclosure, finical collapse, earthquakes or the next pandemic are all real issues we’re all currently facing and being prepared for emergencies is crucial. We all need to error on the side of caution and prepare bug-out-bags. What’s a bug-out-bag or (BOB)? It’s a portable kit that contains essential items you need to survive for at least 72 hours when evacuating from a disaster. For beginners, understanding what to include in your bug-out bag can be overwhelming. This guide will help you build a comprehensive and practical bug-out bag to ensure you’re ready for any situation.

Why You Need a Bug-Out Bag

A bug-out bag is essential for scenarios where you need to leave your home quickly, like if one of these many earthquakes we’re having gets really serious and you have to move, civil unrest, with the elections coming up or other emergencies. Having a well-prepared BOB can make the difference between life and death, providing you with the tools and supplies needed to sustain yourself and your loved ones until you reach safety or receive help.

The Basics of a Bug-Out Bag

Before we get into specific items, here are 3 of my general principles to keep in mind:

  1. Lightweight and Durable: Your BOB should be easy to carry and able to withstand harsh conditions.
  2. Tailored to Your Needs: Consider your personal and family needs, including any medical conditions or special requirements.
  3. Versatile and Multifunctional: Choose items that can serve multiple purposes to save space and weight.

Essential Items for Your Bug-Out Bag

1. Water and Hydration

  • Water: Aim for at least 1 liter per person per day. Carrying enough water for 72 hours can be heavy, so supplement with water purification methods.
  • Water Filtration/Purification: A portable water filter, purification tablets, or a LifeStraw can help ensure you have access to safe drinking water.

2. Food and Nutrition

  • Non-Perishable Food: Pack high-calorie, lightweight foods such as energy bars, dried fruits, nuts, and dehydrated meals.
  • Multivitamins: To help maintain your health when fresh food is unavailable.
  • Cooking Supplies: A portable stove, fuel, and a lightweight pot can make preparing food easier. Don’t forget utensils.

3. Shelter and Warmth

  • Tent or Tarp: A lightweight, compact tent or a durable tarp can provide essential protection from the elements.
  • Sleeping Bag or Blanket: Choose a sleeping bag suitable for the climate you live in. Mylar blankets are also lightweight and compact.
  • Clothing: Pack extra clothes, including socks and underwear. Opt for moisture-wicking, quick-drying materials and include a warm layer, rain gear, and a hat.

4. First Aid and Hygiene

  • First Aid Kit: A comprehensive kit including bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and any prescription medications.
  • Hygiene Supplies: Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, hand sanitizer, and feminine hygiene products. Wet wipes can be a practical substitute for a full shower.
Basic Survival Guide

5. Tools and Equipment

  • Multi-tool: A versatile tool with knives, pliers, and screwdrivers can be invaluable.
  • Fire Starting Tools: Waterproof matches, a lighter, and a fire starter to ensure you can make a fire in any condition.
  • Flashlight: A durable, waterproof flashlight with extra batteries or a hand-crank option.
  • Navigation: A map of your area, a compass, and a GPS device if possible.

6. Personal Protection

  • Self-Defense Items: Depending on your comfort level and local laws, this could include pepper spray, a tactical pen, or other self-defense tools.
  • Face Mask: To protect against smoke, dust, or biological hazards.

7. Important Documents and Cash

  • Copies of Important Documents: Include IDs, insurance policies, bank account information, and any other crucial paperwork in a waterproof container.
  • Cash: In small denominations, as electronic payment systems may be down.

Maintaining Your Bug-Out Bag

Regularly check and update your bug-out bag. Replace expired items, adjust for seasonal changes, and ensure that all equipment is in working order. Practicing with your gear will also help you become familiar with its use, which can be critical in a high-stress situation.


Building a bug-out bag is a vital step in preparing for emergencies. By including these essential items, you’ll be better equipped to handle the challenges of a societal collapse or any disaster that comes your way. Stay safe, stay prepared, and remember that your bug-out bag is your lifeline in times of crisis.

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