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Follow This Simple Survival Tip To Not Lose Your Mind During The Apocalypse

Photo by AI on Midjourney

When the world as we know it collapses, the focus often shifts to the basics: food, water, shelter, and security. But what about our minds and spirits? Amidst the chaos and struggle for survival, maintaining our mental health can be just as crucial. That’s where my seemingly trivial but surprisingly vital hack comes in: scavenging magazines.

I know, I know that sounds weird but peep game. But let me tell you, those magazines are more than just paper. They are a lifeline to normalcy, a mental escape, and a tool for keeping your sanity intact.

I figured this out because of all of the times I went camping and there was nothing to do. During one of my camping trips, I came across an abandoned convenience store. That place had been picked clean of most of the good stuff, but tucked away in a corner was a dusty rack of magazines. At first, I walked past them, thinking they were useless. But something made me go back.

I grabbed a handful of different titles—National Geographic, old issues of Time, a few photography magazines, and even some car mags. When I returned to my camp, I started flipping through them. That’s when I realized their true value.

Here’s how these magazines have helped me keep my sanity:

1. Mental Escape

In the midst of an apocalypse, your mind is constantly bombarded with stress and fear. Flipping through a magazine offers a much-needed mental break. The articles, pictures, and even the ads transport you to a different world, if only for a few moments. It’s a reminder of what life used to be and what it could be again.

2. Educational Resource

I know most people nowadays are allergic to learning but Magazines are a treasure trove of information. National Geographic has taught me about different survival techniques used by indigenous tribes. Health magazines offer tips on staying fit and dealing with injuries using limited resources. Even fashion magazines can inspire makeshift clothing ideas using whatever scraps you find.

3. Creativity and Entertainment

Boredom can be a dangerous enemy in a post-apocalyptic world. Magazines provide entertainment and spark creativity. I once used fashion magazines to design makeshift clothes and armor. Cooking magazines have given me ideas for foraging and preparing my meals with limited ingredients. Car magazines have offered insights into basic vehicle maintenance and repair.

Basic Survival Guide

4. Social Connection

If you’re lucky enough to have a group of survivors with you, magazines can serve as a bonding tool. Sharing articles, discussing stories, and even laughing at the absurdity of pre-apocalypse advertisements can bring a sense of camaraderie and normalcy to your group. It’s a small way to keep the human connection alive.

5. Inspiration and Hope

Lastly, magazines provide hope. They are a tangible piece of the world we once knew and a reminder that things can still get better. Stories of triumph, resilience, and innovation fill their pages, offering inspiration to keep pushing forward.

Scavenging Tips

When scavenging for magazines, keep an eye out in places people might overlook: waiting rooms, gas stations, lobbies of abandoned buildings, and homes. Prioritize variety—different genres offer different types of content and benefits.


In the grand scheme of survival, scavenging magazines might seem insignificant, but they have proven to be an unexpected beacon of hope and sanity. They help me stay mentally sharp, emotionally balanced, reduce boredom and creatively engaged. So if you have to go out out scavenging, don’t dismiss that dusty rack of magazines. They might just be the lifeline you need to keep going in the upcoming crazy, unpredictable world.

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