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7 Survival Steps to Survive Giants Walking the Earth

Following these 7 steps will give you the best chance to survive if giants started to walk the earth.

Let’s face it, the world is full of conspiracies and its fair share of oddities one of the more recent popular one is the reemergence of giants. That would be a game-changer. These colossal beings, rooted in mythology and folklore, have captured imagination of humans for centuries. But what if the conspiracies are true and certain giant landmasses and giants living in mountain is true and they’re coming back soon to walk the earth again. How screwed would we be as modern overly domesticated humans, adapt and survive in the presence of such giants? Here’s my comprehensive survival guide I’ll be using to navigating this we are so screwed scenario. Enjoy!

1. Stay Informed and Vigilant

Knowledge is going to be my first line of defense. I’m going to stay updated through reliable news sources and community alerts and hope they don’t lie. Giants, given their size, are unlikely to move without causing significant commotion. Monitoring geological and environmental changes can also provide early warnings of their presence.

Action Steps:

  • Subscribe to emergency alert systems.
  • Follow credible news channels and government updates.
  • Join local community groups focused on survival and emergency preparedness.

2. Create a Giant-Proof Shelter

Standard home won’t cut it when giants roam the earth. Building a giant-proof shelter is paramount to your safety. Focus on creating a fortified space that can withstand extreme pressure and potential impacts.

Shelter Tips:

  • Location: Choose areas less likely to be traversed by giants, such as remote mountainous regions or dense forests.
  • Construction: Utilize reinforced materials like steel and concrete. Underground bunkers offer additional safety.
  • Supplies: Stock up on long-term supplies, including food, water, medical kits, and tools for self-sufficiency.

3. Develop an Evacuation Plan

In case a giant approaches my area, I’m going to have an efficient evacuation plan to try to save my life. I’m make sure to learn the geography of my region and have multiple escape routes mapped out.

Plan Elements:

  • Transportation: Ensure you have reliable vehicles capable of off-road travel.
  • Routes: Identify and familiarize yourself with multiple escape routes.
  • Communication: Have a communication plan with family and community members, including meeting points and check-in procedures.

4. Understand Giant Behavior

Much like any other potential threat, understanding the behavior of giants can provide a strategic advantage. While this is speculative, drawing from folklore and mythological accounts can offer insights.

Behavioral Insights:

  • Habitat: Giants may prefer unpopulated, natural landscapes.
  • Activity Patterns: Giants might have predictable patterns, such as diurnal or nocturnal activity.
  • Interaction: While some myths depict giants as hostile, others suggest they can be neutral or even benevolent. Assess their behavior before taking action.

5. Form Alliances and Communities

Survival is stronger in numbers with competent people. Forming alliances with other survivalists and communities can enhance my chances of thriving in a world with giants. Shared resources, knowledge, and skills can be invaluable.

Community Strategies:

  • Skill Sharing: Learn and teach essential survival skills within your community.
  • Resource Pooling: Share resources like food, medical supplies, and tools.
  • Defense Tactics: Develop collective defense strategies and contingency plans.

6. Equip Yourself with Essential Tools

Survival gear will be critical in a giant-infested world. I’ve Equip myself with tools that enhance mobility, communication, and self-defense.

Essential Gear:

  • Communication Devices: Radios, satellite phones, and other long-range communication tools.
  • Survival Kits: First-aid kits, multi-tools, fire starters, and portable shelters.
  • Defensive Equipment: While direct confrontation with giants is not advisable, having defensive tools like drones for surveillance can be beneficial.

7. Adapt and Innovate

Flexibility and innovation are key to survival. As situations evolve, I’ll be prepared to adapt my strategies and come up with creative solutions to emerging challenges.

Adaptation Tips:

  • Continuous Learning: Stay informed about new survival techniques and technologies.
  • Innovative Solutions: Think outside the box for problems like securing food, water, and shelter.
  • Resilience: Mental and emotional resilience will be crucial. Stay connected with loved ones and maintain a positive outlook.


While the idea of giants walking the earth may seem far-fetched, preparing for such an event is an exercise in comprehensive disaster readiness, especially with the way 2024 is going and the Vatican talking about paranormal plans about to drop. By staying informed, building secure shelters, developing evacuation plans, understanding potential threats, forming alliances, equipping yourself with essential tools, and remaining adaptable, you can increase your chances of survival in the face of any colossal challenge.

Remember, survival is not just about staying alive but thriving amidst adversity. Stay prepared, stay vigilant, and stay strong. The giants may be mighty, but with the right preparation, humanity’s resilience can be mightier still.

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Basic Survival Guide

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