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man doing one arm push ups on pavement

10 Ways to Make Your Survival Training More Effective for the Apocalypse

Use these 10 tips to make your survival Training Interesting, Challenging, and Effective

Training is cool but training with a purpose is even better! I’ve always combined my background in martial arts and wilderness survival to train in a unique and survival based training routine. With the world changing I’m starting to share what I’ve learned on my 35 years of experience. Lets start getting in shape for the apocalypse be it financial, alien, lizard or whatever lol. To be consistent assume you’ll probably be training alone. Training alone for apocalyptic survival scenarios requires creativity and discipline to keep it engaging and effective. Here are 10 innovative ways to spice up your solo training sessions, making them both challenging and beneficial for your overall fighting skills and survival readiness.

man doing one arm push ups on pavement
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

1. Shadowboxing

Shadowboxing is a fantastic and one of my personal favorite ways to improve your technique, speed, and agility without the need for a partner. Imagine you’re fighting off raiders or zombies or lizard people and practice your strikes, footwork, and defensive maneuvers. This exercise not only enhances your physical skills but also sharpens your mental focus (which is extremely important to me and should be to you) and tactical thinking, crucial for survival situations.

2. Environmental Survival Training

Take your training outside of the gym and practice in different environments. Train in the park, on the beach, in the woods, snow or even in urban settings (alley’s or stairs). Adapting to varied terrains and conditions helps improve your situational awareness and adaptability, crucial for apocalyptic survival scenarios where the environment can change rapidly.

3. Repetitions (Reps)

Perfect practice makes perfect! Repetition is key to mastering any technique. Choose specific survival moves or combinations and perform them repeatedly until they become second nature. I’ve learned that aiming for high reps to build muscle memory and ensure your techniques are precise and effective under pressure, whether you’re defending against attackers or escaping dangerous situations.

4. Work on Weak Techniques

Identify your weakest techniques and dedicate extra time to improving them. Whether it’s a particular escape move, defensive block, or offensive strike, focusing on your weaknesses will turn them into strengths and make you a more well-rounded survivor, capable of handling a variety of threats.

5. Karate Between Weight Sets

Integrate karate or other martial arts techniques between your weight sets, like I do. For example, perform a set of squats and then immediately do a set of punches or kicks. This method keeps your heart rate up, combines strength training with skill practice, and enhances your overall conditioning, essential for the physical demands of survival.

6. Heavy Bag Training

A heavy bag is an essential tool for survival training. It provides resistance, allowed me to practice my strikes with power and precision. Work on my combinations, power punches, kicks, and defensive moves to build strength, endurance, and technique, simulating real combat situations I might face in an apocalypse.

7. Train to Your Favorite Music

Music can be a powerful motivator. I created a special playlist of my favorite high-energy songs and train to the beat. The rhythm can helps me maintain a steady pace, while the music keeps me hyped up, energized and engaged throughout my sessions. This is particularly useful for maintaining morale in stressful survival scenarios.

8. Train While Watching Apocalyptic Films

I know this is hella random but incorporate light training exercises while watching apocalyptic movies or shows. Practice footwork drills, shadowboxing, or even stretching during intense scenes. This not only makes training more enjoyable but also allows me to visualize and mentally prepare for potential survival scenarios.

9. Train Outdoors

I honestly don’t like training indoors, I train outdoors every chance I can get. I take advantage of natural surroundings to enhance my training. Running on uneven ground, jumping over obstacles, and using trees or benches for bodyweight exercises can add a new dimension to my routines. Training outdoors also provides fresh air and a change of scenery, crucial for staying sharp and adaptable in a survival situation.

10. Train in the Water

Water training is excellent for resistance and low-impact exercises, which is really important as I get older. I like to practice my strikes, kicks, and movements in a pool, river, or lake. The resistance of the water adds an extra challenge, while the buoyancy reduces strain on my joints, making it a safe and effective training method that also prepares me for aquatic escape scenarios and keeps me from overtraining.

My final thoughts

Solo training for apocalyptic survival doesn’t have to be repetitive or boring. By incorporating these 10 methods, you can keep your sessions interesting, challenging, and effective. Remember, variety and creativity are key to maintaining motivation and ensuring you continuously improve as a survivor. Embrace these techniques to become a more versatile and resilient fighter, prepared for any survival situation that an apocalypse might throw at you.

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Basic Survival Guide

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