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9 Essential Items to Make Airport Lay-Over Not Suck

Next time you plan to travel, carry these 7 essentials and you’ll survive lay-overs and over-nights at the airport.

man holding luggage bag
Photo by Victor Freitas on

So, as I just recently came back from a over seas trip. I’m inspired to write this article because between the 3 airports and 3 plane rides I had to deal with I’m still hurting! The struggle was real, and I’ve never been so close to going crazy in my life. So this article is a reminder to myself and a heads up to all my fellow travels who might inevitably face the same issues and struggles I just faced. Here’s my list of 9 Essential Items to Make Airport Lay-Over Not Suck.

Comfortable Clothing:

As a long time camper I’m familiar with dress for the cold, the problem was I didn’t know these airport were all gonna be like 60 degrees. In the future I’m gonna start dressing like I would when camping in the winter. That’s going to be in comfortable layers that are suitable for sleeping in different temperatures. I’ll even take a couple pair of wool socks and a heated vest jacket for these ice box airport terminals.

Inflatable Travel Mattress or Sleeping Pad:

The first thing I have to get off of my chest, sleeping in airports suck! I couldn’t move the chairs because they were bolted down, the floors in most areas aren’t carpeted. I couldn’t lay across the chairs because the air rest were in the way and non-adjustable. From now on I’m going to take some kind of sleeping pad for added comfort and support while sleeping on the hard airport floor.

Travel Poncho or Blanket:

I’m going to be investing into a poncho, but know most people won’t wear those so I’ll say travel blanket. Getting a lightweight blanket can significantly enhance your comfort level during overnight stays. The main reason I love poncho’s is because I can walk around with them on, and they’re efficent for staying warm on the plane (which are just as cold).

Travel Lock:

As I was trying to sleep the thought kept crossing my mind, “what if someone walks by and takes my tablet, wallet or goes in my bag”? I’ll be buying a travel lock before my next trip. Airports are generally safe, but it’s always better to take precautions, especially when you might be dozing off intermittently.

Eye Mask:

Not only was it having to try to sleep sitting up that made it hard to sleep, it was also the bright lights. I had to look like a crazy man by putting a black shirt over my head to block out the lights. I never wear them at home, but I’ll be taking some kind of eye mask.

Portable Charger:

I keep one of these on me everyday, but it really saved me this past weekend. I was able to keep all my devices charged throughout the night with my portable charger. This is especially crucial if you rely on your smartphone or tablet for entertainment or communication.


Lay-overs and over-nighters are boring as hell! Luckily I had my tablet for entertainment. I was up watching Youtube, anime and making Tiktoks (lol). Other options I had were a couple of books and a deck of cards. Having something to keep me entertained made the hours fly by.

Cash and Change:

While many airports have ATMs and currency exchange counters, it’s always wise to carry some cash and loose change for vending machines, tips, or other unforeseen expenses, since all the store will be closed over-night.

Travel-friendly Pillow Alternatives:

Usually I don’t like pillow but here are some of my alternatives to a traditional pillow. Consider compact options such as inflatable pillows, neck pillows with built-in hoodies or hoods, or memory foam roll-up pillows that provide customized support for your head and neck.

I’ll end by saying this. While this experience was rough, it was a great learning experience. If you follow this list you’ll be prepared for airport over-nighters and layovers. So there you have it, my list of 9 Essential Items to Make Airport Lay-Over Not Suck!

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